
Cocktail The Sparkling Red Pearl

The Sparkling Red Pearl

Cocktail The Sparkling Red Pearl
Schwierigkeitsgrad: leicht

Rezept für 3dl, von Christelle Bugnon - Verantwortliche HUGO SHOP

Was Sie Nötige Zutaten

10cl Aigle les Murailles BRUT
1cl Gold Strike oder Gold Schnee

Wie man Zubereitung


In die Flöte eine Perlenpaprika legen.


1 cl Gold Strike (Likör aus Zimt und Goldpailetten) einfüllen.


Mit dem Perlwein Aigle Les Murailles Brut auffüllen

verwandte Produkte

Warning: Declaration of CartRule::getCustomerCartRules($id_lang, $id_customer, $active = false, $includeGeneric = true, $inStock = false, ?Cart $cart = NULL, $free_shipping_only = false, $highlight_only = false) should be compatible with CartRuleCore::getCustomerCartRules($id_lang, $id_customer, $active = false, $includeGeneric = true, $inStock = false, ?CartCore $cart = NULL, $free_shipping_only = false, $highlight_only = false) in /home/clients/1aada0985bdd8ffdc48811f0c429c7d3/sites/www.hugoreitzel.ch/public/shop/override/classes/CartRule.php on line 92

Warning: Declaration of CartRule::getCustomerHighlightedDiscounts($languageId, $customerId, Cart $cart) should be compatible with CartRuleCore::getCustomerHighlightedDiscounts($languageId, $customerId, CartCore $cart) in /home/clients/1aada0985bdd8ffdc48811f0c429c7d3/sites/www.hugoreitzel.ch/public/shop/override/classes/CartRule.php on line 134

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Merci de votre compréhension.

Votre team HUGO

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